Pukkelpop - Music is the JUICE
Janet and I traveled by Eurostar to Brussels where we picked up Daph and made our way to inner-Belgium where we musicked ourselves silly during the Thurs - Sat Pukkelpop music festival. This photo is taken at some mid-day hour after dancing like proper clubbers to some DJ who was great but who's name I can no longer recall. Drat. It was really, really good though.
The culture of the festival was fab. Lots of litter, lots of grit, lots of powerful beautiful Belgian beer, people of all ages from, lets say 14 (see the boys rocking out to MGMT below) to the oldies - ahh, yeah that would be me.
The festival was nicely signed and there was a fair number of people...well...seemingly passed out in a variety of places that suited at the time. This poor fellow was probably just trying to figure where he was going when he went down and stayed down.
There was a very talented dancing juggler keeping beat with Does it Offend You, Yeah? They did a rockin set. It was wicked.
There were something like 75,000 campers. Utter disgusting insanity. The girls and I set up tent, and then took it down without ever employing it's function. Funny. We had a hotel because we are old and mature and have a little money for comforts. The hotel was a really, really good call.
The festival was a bit of a metal fest with metal heads abound and topped up with a Goth parade! A goth parade. Twice. Huh.
Along side the goth parade there was opportunity to toast our good fortune with faux champagne. Clearly cava.
We had Belgian beer of a variety of sorts. It was an easy goal to achieve, drinking different Belgian beers, in Belgium. Ahhhh, yep.
There was so much amazing music. Late of the Pier (see band with red lights) totally blew my mind. They were kids. Kids! And they were amazing.
The Ting Tings were fun fun.
The Infidels were one of my favorite new discoveries.
And of course there was plenty of dancing. I probably danced more that weekend than I have during my 2 years 9 months (as of August) in London. Look at Janet flippin that hair. Yeow mama. Blondie in her prime.
And the weekend ended with a day in Brussels. A very famous, very tiny statue, a flower carpet, mussels, frites, chocolate (heaven help me, the chocolate was truly extraordinary), friends and such fabulous fun. I couldn't have hoped for more.