I had been to the Cotswolds area of England once before. That was a trip taken with my mom and dad in February of 2007 during which time it was freezing. Everything we saw at that time was quaint, pretty and the weather was the dampest of English cold. This time - trip number two - I was in a different area of the Cotswolds in the middle of Summer for the joyous occasion of a wedding (my first since moving to the UK).
These pictures are all of beautiful Bibury; a gorgeous tiny town most known for it's trout farming.

I have not included only one photo from the actual wedding. It's symbolic for the incredible emotion of the ceremony and the beauty of the relationship embodied in the lives of two wonderful people who, funny enough, are Americans living in London. Well, actually, since the wedding they have left the UK and will soon be Chicago bound. That's bad for me in the moment because I already miss them, but good for me in the long run because I have lots of loved ones in and around Chicago and I hope to live there before I make it big and move to NYC. I have plans I do.