Location: Crystal Palace, London, United Kingdom

I want to make my living as a writer and I want to write about things that have some bearing on my day-to-day living experience, like food, travel, funny observations or perhaps any observations. If you have happened upon my blog, like it, and are in a position to give me a job as a writer, please, please do at least give it some consideration.

Friday, September 28, 2007

When Rebecca can't go to Minnesota, Minnesota will travel to Rebecca

How lucky I am in so many ways. From August - October, I have my people popping in with more frequency than ever before. It's wonderful. Really, really wonderful.

First, Caroline arranged another 24-stop in London on her way to India.

Next, Katie came to visit for 3 weeks of bliss-filled moments in London, Bath and Amsterdam.

Next, my maternal cousins Stacy and Zam Zam (from this point on to be known as "the cuzzatches") stoped in for their first ever week in London. It was such a good time that they may decide to return for a redo, unless we go to Rio instead.

Next, my sister (from this point on to be known as "my sizatch") joined the cuzzatch party for 4 out of the 7 days. This visit is her 4th. Really good.
Finally, in two weeks from today, my mom will be here for a 10-day travel fest to Scotland and Ireland. Pictures to follow...

Life is amazing right now and I am grateful.


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