It's not that nothing has happened in the last 40 days or so

It's just that there hasn't been that much of interest to report.
Thus, I am compelled to mention celebrations in common between the U.S.A. and the U.K. Can you even believe that Halloween here is as big as Halloween at home and I have pics to demonstrate the truth in what I have just asserted? Here you have me, as a Bacoon, with Lauren (Tanya's housemate), who is a cannibal prom queen (It's the Australian sense of humor) along with several other zealous Halloween fans that attended Tanya's third official house party in the last 7 months. If these pictures aren't proof enough, my window was officially egged on Tuesday, 31 October, which is good news, because I thought perhaps my building had been chosen as a random target for the neighborhood children and their fun with guns. I'm just kidding. I love Penge and I haven't once been shot at, to the best of my knowledge, in the year I have lived here. That said, I am moving to Crystal Palace on Sunday. Pics of my new gorgeous view to come.
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