Oh Canada Day Pics

This fine establishment is where the Saturday party started. Have I mentioned how much I love Canada and her people?

I think this sign is ridiculous, but I enjoy it ever time I visit the pub. The Maple Leaf is the most popular Canadian Bar in London. I have become an avid Sleeman's drinker due to the Maple Leaf, and one pint is never enough. I haven't loved beer like that since Millikin University. But can you believe that a pitcher runs just under £13.00. That's like, $23.00. Dumb, but I can't help myself.

This is self-portraiting Tanya. She is the nutter responsible for these impressive Molson beer box hats. She is the most well-travelled North American in London at the moment. She hasn't limited herself to Europe either. Nope, Egypt was her last major holiday destination, although right before she was in Italy for the Olympics and shortly thereafter she was in Scottland for a party. It's impressive. At the moment, she is training for the Venice Marathon. Doesn't she look like a Texan?

The hats make me so happy. On both ends of this row of four are two official Canadians. Vancouverites with Whistler connections. Maria and Tanya; best friends since college. They are both insane and delightful, and both are certain that I will have no trouble with immigration when I make my mad dash for the Northern border.
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